Hi, my name is Ankit Josh.

I like to code.

I'm a programmer specializing in Competitive Programming, DSA and Backend Developement.

Currently, I'm learning back-end developement.

Projects I'm proud of

Latest Project


This is a fun hangman style game to guess movie names from the local sqlite database and show summary about the movie with a link to the same. You can also add more movies to the database using IMDBpy. Link to the project.

Technologies used include:

  • Python
  • Sqlite3
Screenshot of a Hang-Man Game.

Python Project


PassBot is a simple, easy to use Password Manager that can be used to store important credentials with encryption. It uses Fernet for encryption and decryption of the files. Link to the project.

Technologies used include:

  • Python
  • Fernet
Screenshot of a Security-Lock.

Contact me

I'm looking for SDE and Research internships.

Email me